Infinity CCS and Priority Dispatch Sign Joint Venture to Modernise the Emergency Services and Public Safety Markets

When it comes to reaching customers, meeting their needs, and solving their problems, technology today can do almost anything. In reality, there are many restraints, including budget.
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Infinity CCS is pleased to announce our partnership with Priority Dispatch®, the world leading provider of research -based protocol solutions to emergency call centres.

Together, we will bring industry-leading, call-triage software to more telecommunicators and first responders, delivering them a first class, cloud-based solution. Using Infinity technology, Priority Dispatch has developed ProQA Discovery, which continues to be part of the Priority Dispatch System and is recognised globally as the standard of care for emergency call-answering. This cloud-based dispatch solution helps modernise emergency dispatch call-triage—bringing flexibility, innovation, and performance to emergency call centres of every size.

ProQA Discovery represents the new software element of the Priority Dispatch System which is now able to be deployed and maintained 100% virtually, including implementation, training, and quality assurance. “This cloud solution will make it possible for even small communities to have access to the highest standard of care when they dial emergency services,” stated Geoff Land, CEO of Infinity. “We see enormous potential in our partnership with Priority Dispatch to bring positive innovations to the emergency services and public safety markets.”

Ron McDaniel, Priority Dispatch’s President echo’s the sentiment, saying…. “This collaboration directly aligns with our mission of 35+ years, ‘to lead the creation of meaningful change in public safety and health,’” Infinity is a key leader in call-intelligence and technology and was a natural partner as we set our sights on this new generation of ProQA.

More about our new partner

Priority Dispatch™ is the world leader in providing research-based protocol solutions to emergency call centres in medical, fire, police, and nurse triage disciplines. For over 35 years, EMS and 911 agencies have used the Medical Priority Dispatch System™ (MPDS®), first with cardsets and now in ProQA software. Our solutions have been time-tested across hundreds of millions of calls and serve communities in thousands of agencies around the world in 25 languages and 54 countries. Find out more at

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